Angora Goats Available for Purchase


She is a Navajo heritage milk goat cross. Although she has angora in her background, she produces a large amount of fiber, but sheds it out in the spring. However her milking traits are superb and has improved my herd for the next generations.



Navajo heritage Angora buck. He is magnificent in all ways. Gentle with people and the ladies. Good producer and has brought many new goats into our herd.



18 month old buck. Lovely fiber producer. Son of Gus. Is colored, but only on neck and face.



Alpine yearling doe. Has not freshened. Duke's twin sister.



This lady is an Angora goat with a very nice coat. She is a bit older, but still has lots of fiber still to produce.


Her Majesty

Just shorn this Navajo heritage doe appears to be producing Mohair and not Cashmere as she did not shed this spring. Just 6 months old.




She is a Navajo heritage milk goat cross. Although she has angora in her background, she produces a large amount of fiber, but sheds it out in the spring. I did shear her in the fall. However her milking traits are superb and has improved my herd for the next generations.


Alpine wether. He really needs a home where his non-fiber producing self is more appreciated.